The Harmful Effects of Chlorine Water
Chlorine is the #1 contaminant in drinking water. While the chemical is added as a means to purify
water and kill off microorganisms and other waterborne pathogens, it has several harmful effects as well. Unfortunately, chlorine treatment does not guarantee the drinking water coming out of a faucet
is free from unhealthy microorganisms.
Chlorine is a naturally occurring element with many uses, from purifying water to disinfecting and
bleaching. In small quantities, exposure to chlorine gas or liquid can be poisonous. Chlorine as a
gas has a pale green color with a smelly odor. Inhaling the gas can cause difficulty in breathing.
Chlorine ion is abundant in nature and can be found in large amounts in salts.
Why Do We Use Chlorine For Treating Water?
The addition of chlorine in drinking water began in the 1800s and became the standard in water
treatment in 1904. Unfortunately, we do not simply use chlorine because it is the safest and most
effective means of disinfection, rather because it is the cheapest method. Drinking
chlorine-contaminated water is no different than drinking a glass of water that contains bleach.
Harmful Effects of Chlorine
It is crucial you protect the health of your family and loved ones as chlorine-contaminated water can
cause a number of health problems, including:
Increased Risk of Cancer
Over the years, researchers have found that people who are exposed to chlorinated water over long
periods of time, have a greater risk of contracting bladder cancer. Several links have been found
between chlorinated drinking water and colorectal cancer but we need more research to confirm
such links. Studies have also indicated that by-products created in the process of chlorine
disinfection also increase the risk of cancer. The following by-products play an integral role in
causing cancer in laboratory animals:
- Haloacetic acids (HAAs)
- Trihalomethane (THMs)
Scientists claim that other chlorinated by-products also play a role in causing cancer. These
chlorine by-products trigger the production of free radicals in the body, resulting in carcinogenic cell
damage. While the concentration of these products is relatively low, scientists believe they are
responsible for causing a majority of the cancers in the US.
Hazardous for Your Children’s Health
According to different studies, drinking and long-term exposure to chlorinated water can potentially
increase the risks asthmatic attacks particularly in children who do not have improved airway
systems. In other studies, rodents that were exposed to chloramines and chlorine developed
tumors in their intestines and kidneys. If exposed to the skin, chlorine contaminated water can
cause irritation and burn the skin as well.
Cell Damage
Chlorine can be described as a pesticide whose sole purpose is to cause damage to living
organisms. Drinking water contaminated with chlorine destroys cells and tissues inside our body.
This explains the carcinogenic behavior of chlorine.
Increases the Risk of Asthma
Drinking chorine contaminated water and swimming in chlorinated pools increases the risk of
respiratory problems, such as asthma, particularly in children. Unfortunately, in some cities in the
US, the concentration of chlorine in tap water is just as high as in swimming pools. This can cause
skin irritation in the airways of sensitive people who are already suffering from respiratory issues,
especially babies and children. Showering and bathing in chlorinated water can also increase the
risk of eczema in children. Showering with unfiltered water may also cause the following symptoms:
- Sneezing
- Tightness in chest
- Weak cough
- Mild sore throat
- Increased dryness in throat
- Irritation in nasal passages
Apart from monitoring the chlorine content in pools, invest in carbon filters to make drinking water
much safer for your children and family.
Results in Heart Problems
Chlorine added to your water supply can pose serious threats to your cardio-vascular health.
Scientist, Dr. Joseph Price, conducted a test. He used two groups of chickens as his test subjects
to find out the basic cause of atherosclerosis that eventually leads to strokes and heart attacks.
One group of chickens was given chlorine-contaminated water to drink while the other went
Results confirmed all the chickens that drank the contaminated water showed some levels of heart
and circulatory diseases. During winter, these chickens further displayed symptoms of poor health,
such as poor circulation, reduced activity levels and shivering. The group that went without chlorine
grew up much faster and displayed vigorous health.
Bad Taste and Odor
Apart from its health risks, chlorine contaminated water is a primary cause of odor and bad taste in
drinking water. The unpleasant taste may cause your children to opt for less healthful beverages to
hydrate and refresh themselves, such as teas, soft drinks and other sweetened drinks that are
detrimental for their health. In addition, the decreased intake of water is prone to affect their health
So, how do you protect your family from the dangerous effects of chlorine that is wreaking havoc
on their health? Surely, you cannot just cut off your home’s water supply. The good news is that
chlorine is one of the easiest contaminants to remove from water. We advise you take precautionary
measures to protect your family:
Dangerous Effects of Using Chlorine for Disinfecting Pools
- Avoid using chlorine whenever you can. Use natural products, such as UV light or ozone, to
disinfect your pool to kill the bacteria in it. - Avoiding using public pools where you are unsure about the concentration of chlorine.
- Install shower filters or invest in a house water filtration system to thoroughly protect your
family from the dangers of chlorine contaminated water. Chlorine ingested from the lungs or
absorbed from the skin during a 15-minute shower can be much more hazardous than
drinking chlorine contaminated water. - Invest in a high quality water filtration for your home, particularly a carbon block water filter
to purify drinking water so that it is safe for consumption
Breathing in Chlorine Gas in the Shower
- Install shower filters or invest in a house water filtration system to thoroughly protect your
family from the dangers of chlorine contaminated water. Chlorine ingested from the lungs or
absorbed from the skin during a 15-minute shower can be much more hazardous than
drinking chlorine contaminated water.
Bad Taste and Odor in Water Supplies
- Invest in a high quality water filtration for your home, particularly a carbon block water filter
to purify drinking water so that it is safe for consumption.